Tuesday 26 June 2012

Important lesson in Persuasion!

I found a really interesting video that talks about the power of inquiry. Watch this video below!

Have you ever been a victim of being persuaded into buying something you didn't want? Chance are you haven't. But why is that? With so much money being spent every year by big corporations trying to persuade you to buy products that otherwise you would have not boughten. Why would corporations continue to spend this money if it's not working? 

Persuasion is not about trying to make you buy something you don't want. It's about making you see and understand the benefits of a product. With this understanding, individuals are able to connect the benefits of a product with their personal needs. Without persuasion, people would not know that there are products out there that cater to their needs. By persuading, organizations are simply trying to help you get what you want.

Have you ever been a victim of a retail sales associate trying to sell you something you don't want? Overwhelming you with product features or services that you don't care for. This is something the video describes as straight advocacy. We've all experienced this sometime in our lives. 

Share your experiences in the comment section below!

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