Try to answer these ten questions. The answers can be found by reading this blog!
- The name of the journalist that came up with the idea of press releases is Ivy Lee
- The main body of a press release should be around 200-400 words
- A strength of publicity is that it's message is controllable
- Telling people what they will lose if they don't act on your offer can motivate them more then the benefits
- Straight advocacy is more persuasive than inquiry
- A press release is written like an email message
- A press release is aimed at getting the attention of the media in order to maximize the effect of the message an organization is trying to convey
- Press releases announce new things like company products, managers and facilities, community involvement, donations and awards
- A press release should only serve the needs of the organization writing it
- When writing press releases, answers to the five Ws and one H should be included
Answers: 1) T, 2) T, 3) F, 4) T, 5) F, 6) F, 7) T, 8) T, 9) F, 10) T
If you got perfect, congratulations!! If you didn't, try going over this blog again to improve your understanding
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